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This is not me.

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Bbbananas | 10:56 Fri 30th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
This is an imposter.
Happy Friday anyway to all those I miss :-(


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Triggs - pop the question?? What's that then - "Red, White or Rose?"

(I know perfectly well what you mean - and I bloody hope not.....!!! Now that would be a predicament!)
Is it yerself??
morning salla xxxxxx
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No - another damned imposter.

You really think I'd be in the library on a gorgeous day such as this?
Morning alba xx
legs akimbo
gotta be you ..:-)))
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Anyway, if this were to be me, it would, and is, only a flying visit cos I needed to check my hotmail account cos I have ordered something really rather lovely for my darling graddaughter who is getting christened next week.

And - it is on its way :-)

So folks, short and sweet. Love you all. Well, most of you xx
These imposterererers get everywhere :D

When are you offski on yer cruise?
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Cheeky mare - I'll have you know I have them crossed x

(Have biked into town. In a dress. Never thought about the flashing of me nether regions until I realised I was getting leering looks from men in vans....) I am demure now.
Bye wor Salls
luvya2 xxxx

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