Right... for a start, the people taking part in this sort of abuse are very often between the ages of 13 - 18 and not 'evil men'. Do you know how hard it is for these kids to come forward and actually say they were abused? The police and/or social services can't act until they do. Girls having sex with multiple partners (at the same time usually) can be part of an initiation in to a gang, and not all of it gets reported. Some of the girls don't even consider that they've been abused in any way as they agreed to it. Some of the girls we've seen have had horrible pasts which have led to a degree of pormiscuity and other disturbed behaviours, they don't think anyone would believe them. Some girls agree to have sex with three blokes as part of the initation, go somewhere and seven other blokes enter the room. A lot of them do not get moved out of the area if they do report it.
If a case makes it to crown prosecution it is best for the girls to receive no proper counselling prior to cout appearence as it gives fuel to the prosecution team, they have witness support but some of these girls have symptoms of post traumatic stress; so as a parent, do you take this case to court to seek 'justice' or do you get them every possible help they can to move on with their life which might very well bugger up the case but at least your child might start sleeping at night, may not have to appear in open court, won't be be hounded by other gang members if they are still in the area, and may even keep some of her friends. My consultant will send these girls for counselling as a medical recommendation if she feels they are suffering too much but it can be detrimental to their case.
There are whole heaps of problems with this and the surface is just being scratched. This stuff is not swept under the carpet at all, but it's more than just girl been raped, girl reports rape, and then the wicked blighters are sent off to jail after due process, I'm afraid it's far more complicated. So if an inquiry can bring about a half decent process/strategy for dealing with these cases then yeah, I'd be all for it.