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Should these pictures have ben published?

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anotheoldgit | 12:02 Fri 21st Oct 2011 | News
28 Answers

Is not our press lowering themselves to the level of these Libyan savages, by publishing these disgusting pictures?

What Pandora's box has been opened now, can anyone imagine these gun wielding thugs settling down and forming a stable and democratic government?

One couldn't even imagine them handing in their weapons and donning business suits.


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Old Git

here is an explanation of you (not The Guardian) being 'economical with the truth

<< /// Are they so different from the US navy seals who killed Osama Bin Laden ///

Yes completely different, because Bin Laden was killed in a firefight. >>

That implies he was firing. He was killed after US troops had been in a 'firefight' with others in the compound.

The US report is very clear; Bin Laden never fired or handled a weapon when they confronted him. Whether his execution was justified is another matter.

But don't try and mis-represent as you did here - it's pathetic.

The US re
No there should only be pics of Kittens and lovable pets in the Newspapers.
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Are you a little slow on the uptake?

I will again copy and paste the exact words from the Guardian, not my words but theirs, do you understand, 'theirs'?

/// Bin Laden resisted the attackers and was killed along with three other men in a firefight. ///

There was no mention of whether or not he fired a shot, that is immaterial.

I will repeat again, he was killed in a 'firefight' in an operation conducted by US Navy Seals.

Unlike Gadaffi who was hunted down, disabled by being wounded and then while completely helpless and pleading for his life, savagely murdered by the mob, and dragged through the streets.

So don't you dare compare this rabble's actions with the US Seal's action.

This will be the last time I will be debating with you, because I simply believe you are not quite up to it.
I don't believe in an eye for an eye. He was an evil man but also a human being. Killing him like that just reduces the killers to his level of barbarism. However, evil, a man should always have some measure of dignity in death. If showing these pictures has any justification, it may be to alert the world that barbarism has not died with this one man and that Libya's future is still in the balance.
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I am just waiting for Cameron to announce how much of our money he will be giving away to help Libya out.
It's really not a big deal tbh, if you live by the sword chances are that you will die by the sword. The fact that I personally think the man was mentally ill, suffering from dementia or some other mental issue makes me feel ironically slightly sorry for him, but that has clearly not always been the case. I don't think if you had lived in Libya or under any such dictatorship your sensibilities would be quite so delicate old git as to care whether the man was tried and THEN executed or if the people's opinion had already passed judgement on him. This is nothing that has not taken place before, and won't take place agian usually with the help of the UK or the US.
Should the pictures have been published? Absolutely yes, the more namby pamby individuals who think there can be ' honourable death' in war and civil unrest who see that that is not the case the better, perhaps then they'll be a little more hesitant before they advocate any form of armed struggle whether they are on the side of ' right' or not.
AOG: Zeuhl has acknowledged your source and explains why he thinks your interpretation of it is problematic - he's provided another link to demonstrate why, which you haven't acknowledged. Also, don't get so emotive.
"Absolutely yes, the more namby pamby individuals who think there can be ' honourable death' in war and civil unrest who see that that is not the case the better, perhaps then they'll be a little more hesitant before they advocate any form of armed struggle whether they are on the side of ' right' or not. "

Just saw this. Thought it was an excellently made point which I hadn't thought of before. Even if we believe in fighting (which most people do - pacifists seem a minority) and if even we're sure we have the right kind of cause, we still forget that war is always hideous.

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