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Jeremy Clarkson

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NoMercy | 20:57 Mon 24th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Is it wrong that i have a massive crush on him?
I want to run my fingers through his curly barnet !

He's soooooooooooo dreamy xx
Love you NoM (honestly)


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jaques Cousteau or Jackie Chan?
recommend pamela stephenson
bleurghhhh...yes, that's very wrong x
I almost believed you there NoM, lol. Was about to send in the men in white coats. Pleased to see you back in control!
"Is it wrong that i have a massive crush on [Jeremy Clarkson]?"

Err ...

... yes.
you can have him, I wouldnt fancy him baked, roast or fried. Cant stand the man he is soooo full of himself.
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Guys... It was a Bobjugs wind up.

I don't fancy Clarkson.
"It was a Bobjugs wind up"

** phew ** ... relief !!
You need to wait a bit and come on with a similar... odd fantasy for JC maybe Nancy Del'olio or better still Fern Britton...
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Rowan... What would you say if I told you he has a thing for Coleen Nolan?
He's in the mood for dancing? :-)

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Jeremy Clarkson

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