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When you have a cold

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EvianBaby | 14:03 Wed 26th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Do you take time off work without a second thought, preferring to stay home and get well without infecting others or do you go in anyway with the thought that's it's just a few sniffles and would be inconvenient to others without you being there?


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just a cold, i would go into office. Same as with just a cold, i would send my children to school.
If it's not too bad then I'll go in and not go over to clinic or the wards. If it's one where I'm feeling particularly sniffy, coughy and sneezy then I won't go as I'd rather just get over it and not infect the entire office.
Depends on the intensity of the cold. But to be honest I think it is unfair to inflict it on others, and, having worked in schools, I don't much admire mothers who send their kids with filthy colds into school. The kids are just unhappy and would be better off at home for a couple of days, not infecting all the others.

I am not talking about little sniffles though, just full blown rotten colds.
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I always come in on the rare occasion that I'm bunged up but god I feel lousy today! Would much rather be at home on the sofa with a duvet and a cuppa.
i agree lotty, a full blown cold, the children would be off, but if i kept them off every time they sneezed then theyd never be at school. lol
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The worry of poorly children is one thing I don't have. Although you can't really stop them picking stuff up can you.
Go home Evian. To be honest, I think people at work with colds are just a bloomin' nuisance. They are not capable of working well and then give it to everybody else. A day, or perhaps two, at home is worthwhile and then you can be much more efficient at work.

Go home, keep warm, nice hot drink and a good book!! And a brandy at bed timeQQ
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Not much point in leaving now really, I finish at 5 anyway. I just always feel so guilty if I'm not in. If I feel as crappy tomorrow I might just stay home.
I hate calling in sick, I feel awful calling in even though I'm really ill, I don't know how people can pull sickies, I feel bad enough as it is.

I'm used to cultures where you don't do ill and work through whatever you have. In past jobs I remember being harassed back into the office despite being told I have suspected swine flu and to stay away from people and being back in work at 8am after leaving the hospital about 10pm the previous evening after being sent up to emergency surgery for a badly infected abcess (I opted for a local so I didn't have to stay in). Crazy when I look back.

Was gutted last week calling in sick, always try and get in and, if I have to, come home earlier. Went on immune suppressant medication for my arthritis and came down with a horrible bug.
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I work in the same sort of environment as you Jenna. I'm the only female in the company and all the guys are very much "put up and shut up" guys so it's rubbed off on me. I was always brought up this way too. The only time I've ever known my Dad to have a day off work is the day after he was released from hospital following a stroke and that was only because I made him. He was back in the next day.

I've also been in a similar position to you. Was in hospital for four days after an op to have an abcsess removed. Got home at about 9pm and got my boss to pick me up to take me to work next morning, packed with a lovely cocktail of painkillers and anti-b.

But today I've given in and decided to stay home. I feel like death warmed up and I can't think of anything worse than sitting in a cold office staring at a screen all day. I've decided the company probably will not fold due to me having one day off.
You have to be careful. Men can die from colds!!
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Lol! It would be a serious risk to their life if I were to go in today. Better have tomorrow off too, just in case.
Yep....absolutely. Think of it as helping the male of the species :-)
i'm not really a sickie person, so i have totted up half a day in about 3.5 years. i do go to docs and dentists, but actually time off sick only occurred when one the women here insisted i took the afternoon off. think it was a migraine or summink.

sniffles and colds are fair game here, we will all get it eventually so might as well sit it out.
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Oh, actually when you put it like that, I can think of a few we'd be better off without ;)
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You big tough Ankou you. :)
I've never had a cold Ankou....
no not really - probably more of a mug!

i just don't really ever feel sick enough to phone in sick. of course we have guys here who regularly phone in sick with food poisoning/upset tummy - but i work through my hangovers!

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