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Park your husband here.....

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boxtops | 19:33 Sun 30th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Brilliant, brilliant, I love it!

... http://s1086.photobuc...0607_1771834950_o.jpg


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Did you use it Boxtops?
Cracking idea! :o)
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It's near my office, not near my home, unfortunately!
Boxtops, while you're here......any news on the roaming puss?
Love it :) There was a pub in Manchester with a similar sign outside a few years ago, great idea!
sounds great-but hubby dont drinkx
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No Mrs C - and believe it or not, it's nearly six months now. We are having to resign ourselves to life without him - it's a bit like having a grown child away from home, you know they are there but not how they are or what they are doing! Not sure we should hope for news now, after all this time.
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firewatch - I am sure he could have a soft drink and watch the sports!
Boxtops my daughter moved house few weeks ago just round the corner. She has 2 cats and for the first week the tabby one was in and out all week then suddenly on the friday of the first week she never saw him again. She kept going round to old house and told the neighbours. We are hoping someone has stolen him and he finds his way back. That is the best way to look at it with hope that he might return. I felt for you when I first read of yours .I am a cat lover but can't have one now for the 2 birds as the hannes mccaw is out for long spells.
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So very sorry to hear that, Boxtops. So sorry lass. :o(
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Thanks Mrs C - wendilla, I do feel for your daughter. It's a horrid feeling, not knowing what's happened.
Brilliant sign Boxtops - where is it please? I want to put the picture of it and location in the next monthly newsletter I edit for my church Ladies Group - they will think its hilarious!
I hope your daughter's puss turns up too, Wendilla. As Boxy said, it's a horrible feeling, not knowing if they are being fed and watered. :o(

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Park your husband here.....

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