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Magnetic Homework

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gadgetgeek | 13:02 Sat 29th Oct 2011 | Science
15 Answers
How would the magnetic field between two magnets be different if two south poles were close together? And why does a north pole (magnetic field) move a way from the north part of a magnet? Thank you


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in a nutshell opposites attract.
Question Author
Thanks xerus. Still trying to work out the best wording for the questions.

As for Trimeresurus I believe the correct course of action is when you do not understand something and in need of help because you cannot find an answer YOU ASK! Isnt that the idea of Answerbank, not just for tittle tattle and making yourself look good? If everyone helped each other and shared knowledge then this planet would be a much better place.
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Question Author
That is true. Still wish I cud get a clear and short answer for the questions above!
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Question Author
I get the thinking behind the site, and thank you for the link, the questions are part of my 11 yr old daughters homework. Have so many things going on at the moment I can't get my head around trying to explain a subject in which I have little knowledge. She has got thru 23 other questions but stuck on these n can't find simple answers. I am sure homework wasn't this hard when I was 11! Thanks again. your daughter how to get information and research topics then she will be able to do her own homework and you will have more time. It is possible for parents to be too helpful at times.
I hate homework questions like these. The real answer just isn't explainable (it's a word!) without getting into some really heavy physics (see youtube link) so you have to know what level of simplification is representatvive of the teacher's knowledge. I always look stuff like this up on the BBC website... try here Media URL:
Question Author
Thanks Tom. Jomifl, I only guide her to the right website, book or teacher. After 23 of 25 questions answered she asked for help. Just frustrating when even I can't find where the answer shud b. What hope does a 11 yr old have?!? Cheers all.
Sometimes if you think about a question you can come up with the answer yourself, rather than just copy it out. Even if you get it wrong at least you have thought about it which will give you a deeper understanding.
Question Author
I ensure she never copies an answer. When she gets truly stuck only then does the Internet or library come into play. Once she has found an answer I make sure she understands what is written or shown and explains it fully in her own words to prove understanding. She prefers it this way too. Homework takes longer but she is very proud when she has done it without relying on copying and pasting. And I am proud of her.
As grasscarp said, "opposites attract" and the similar poles repulse. She's noit being asked why, just what would happen in the circumstances.
"How would the magnetic field between two magnets be different if two south poles were close together?" - Different from what? Different from the magnetic field round a magnet that is not near another magnet, different from the magnetic field between two magnets with the north poles together (no different at all except that the 'arrows' would point the other way), or different from the field between two magnets if a north pole and a south pole were close together? It is necessary to remember that the 'north pole' of a magnet is not like the 'north magnetic pole' of the Earth. Some people refer to the north pole of a magnet as 'the north-seeking pole', or you need to imagine that the Earth's north magnetic pole is actually a south pole. As others have said, it's probably very difficult to explain the 'simple' statements 'Opposites attract' and 'Like poles repel'. Another useful thing to know - the true test of a magnet is repulsion. Only a magnet will repel another magnet. If you just have a piece of iron, it will be attracted to anything else that is magnetic.

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