When a Loft insulation Company recently completed increasing the depth of my loft insulation the accompanying documentation quoted 56 sq. mtrs. whereas the area was actually 48 sq. mtrs. a shortfall of some 8 sq. mtrs.
Being in receipt of a higher rate disability allowance i bore no cost of the insulation, yet i am interested to know how the Company submits its claim and how is it calculated ? i.e. type of property, age of property or by the square metre and where the 8 sq. metres disappeared to and who paid for it.
Type of property and there are maximum amounts allowable dependent upon the type of property.........the householder can pay the difference between the two if the area to be insulated is greater than the allowance.
Didn't they survey if first? They usaually do .. and measure up.
If they couldn't gain access .. they probably guessed from outside.
Y'know .. If they had to survey every one of these houses inside, they would be driving about week in week out trying to get access.
daffy653, the final document detailing material laid, quotes 56m2 as against the actual 48m2 laid. I'm trying to find out the mechanics of how they submit the claim and to whom ( Gas Supplier or Gov Agency) for at the end of the day, someones paying the Insulation Company for goods not supplied.