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Is this a tax too far?

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rov1100 | 13:51 Mon 07th Nov 2011 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
///Van owners fear they will be forced out of business when air quality standards are extended in the New Year to cover a range of vans from 1.2 to 3.5 tons.

The vans are among hundreds of thousands that will attract hefty fines of £100/day if they do not meet strict new particle emission limits from January 3.///

If the government used joined up thinking they could employ a van scrappage scheme that would take many of these polluters off the road and at the same time putting an injection into the motor industry notably Fords and vauxhall.


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Wrong topic, see motoring
Well lots of us dog owners use vans so not that off topic! I get miffed having to pay extra at things like the Dartford Crossing just because I use a van but its not a commercial vehicle as such. Even car boot sales charge me more even if I only have a couple of boxes of stuff! Its discrimination! Vanism!

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Is this a tax too far?

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