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maggiebee | 23:19 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
At very short notice (4 hours) son and his wife arrived from Peterhead with the two kids. Son gone to Glasgow for a gig and DIL off to Edinburgh for a conference tomorrow. Finally got the kids to sleep and much as I love them, I'm exhausted! Feet up with a large one now and will be hitting the sack real soon.


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Oh I know that feeling, you think you have gone deaf for a while then sigh and settle down and relax. Till morning lol
How old are they? Aren't you the lucky one!
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You don't need a question on chatterbank. Anything goes. Sorry, I should rephrase that, almost anything goes.
I once helped a good pal look after her twin grandsons age 9 months for three days, there was a timetable so that they kept to their routine, by the end of day two we both went to bed same time as the twins at 8pm, we were absolutely shattered.So can empathise with you, its makes you wonder how on earth you mananged first time round but then you had youth on your side.
Good luck with the rest of the visit.

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