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Mad or What?

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maggiebee | 23:17 Wed 16th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Just bought two tickets for the Andre Rieu concert at the SECC Glasgow for December 2012. Thought there would be loads of tickets - after all it is more than a year away but... very little choice and couldn't believe how expensive they were. Better be worth it!


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Oh Maggie I think he is wonderful, was never keen on "classics" apart from Last Night at the Proms, before but he brings it all to life. The expressions on his face have to be seen to be believed, Hope you enjoy it.
I am sure it will be worth every penny. I tried to get tickets when he was last in Birminham but sold out. May not be so good as the dvd's with the dancers and the skating but his music will still be fantastic .
My Mum absolutely adores this man. (Good job Dad isn't the jealous type).

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Mad or What?

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