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Knitted bunting....

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boxtops | 17:30 Sun 23rd Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Please look at the second picture, and tell me what you think...... http://www.dovercommu...mpic-weekend-in-dover


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If it's like the bathing costumes our mothers knitted for us in the 40's and 50's, it will probably stretch, and stretch, and stretch and stretch.........
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I wonder if they have fireproofed it, the torch might set fire to it ;-(
I think we should all knit a pendant boxy for the Ex Pats boat when she sails from Plymouth, maybe the ED can supply the colours needed for the journey..:-))
Question Author
Plymouth? Plymouth? Most of us are sailing from Dover!

..and PS bobbi, what did you do with all that purple bunting I made for you a couple of years ago, for the People's Party?!
I sold it on Ebay boxy...for 10 bob...sorry :-(
it was bought by the Sultan of Brunei and his currant wife, the Sulatna :-(
Looks like fun boxy. Its a good use of unwanted wool and a great way of bringing people together. I'll bring my knitting needles and we can make some more on the boat.
it's to be black and white maidup
yayyyy !!!
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...we'll be like the ladies sitting round the guillotine, LOL!

Just as well we are sailing not flying, I am sure a knitting needle wouldn't get through customs!
we need a ships Captain, Purser, and crew to keep order boxy, I nominate sqad for the Captaincy
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O crumbs, bobbi, at least we wouldn't need a separate ship's doctor! Who's good with money?
errmmm, I think Chris, yes, the Captaincy will have to be deliberated over, sqad as the Ships doctor, you are right ;0)
if it gets wet, it will stretch from there to southend.
hehe, love it em ;-)))))
i had a knitted type swimming cossie, and the blasted thing stretched down to my knees when i came out of the water. Mind i was about 5 years old, but even so.
haha, I remember seeing those, Billy Connolly does a good take on them
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