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maggiebee | 11:40 Tue 22nd Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
After a night of torrential rain, the sun is now shining brightly. Would like to give my lawn (?) one last cut but not too sure, might still be very soggy underneath. Any thoughts on this?


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Finished doing mine about 20mins ago, thick fog down here in SE, so a bit damp (read as WET) used a petrol rotary mower and it looks OK, even picked the leaves up.
Did mine a couple of days ago. Had two 'dryish' days together after what seems like weeks of damp weather. I've got an electric rotary mower and it cut well and hoovered up the leaves as well. Nice stripy lawn at the moment
wait a day or so...if its mild the rain may prompt a late rush of growth.. then give it a fairly 'high' cut and rake up any remaining leaves...

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