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A special something for you ballet lovers .......

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Ann | 00:15 Fri 25th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I'm not usually very interested in ballet but this is just totally AMAZING! Talk about CHINA'S GOT TALENT!!! Enjoy ............. (4 mins) Media URL:


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More like acrobatics than ballet.
Very impressive...
absolutely brilliant, normally ballet does nothing for me but couldn't take my eyes off it, thank you Ann
Thanks Ann, not a great ballet lover but that was wonderful.
Excellent but i'm a bit of a purist when it comes to ballet, that was definitely more gymnastics than dance.
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I thought the same - more gymnastics than actual ballet but still very graceful and enjoyable to watch ........ I was sent it by email.
Not a fan of the dance part but I love the music

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A special something for you ballet lovers .......

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