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rozia | 23:25 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
following on from my accident on Friday, i have suffered a dull painful headache on the left side of my head downwards into my neck since, it has started effecting my left eye, also my shoulder is in agony. I went for an xray today, they havent said if anything is broken or shifted, but im really stressed due to my job at the NHS. I haven't been to work this week, and have been given a self sickness certificate to send to my employer by my GP. I like my job, but i am not well enough to go in and do my job a this time, although aiming to go back on monday, providing the pain goes away. Can my employer sack me or anything for taking time off? they know i had an accident, and i speak to my line manager every day to update her on my health, but i hear it in her voice, that i should be at work.


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Right you have seen your gp, youa re keeping them up to date they know you had an accident, and if they kick up more stink give them the police log number. if i were you i would be contacting citizens advice hun. This sounds like they are giving themselves grounds for a nice tribunal if they sack you as it grossly unfair.Sounds like you have residule whiplash chick try a heat pack on it and some fore head at the front. You may have also trapped a nerve rest up hunx
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Thank you firewatch.
What do you hear in her voice? She might have other people off sick and is finding it a bit stressful.
My hubby had the same after a car crash in his last job he had to have three days off due to whiplash in his neck which meant he couldnt lift much or turn his neck properly. They tried to do him for the time off but they didnt bargain on the person marriead to him, i have friends who know the law (on here lol) who helped us immenslyx
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her voice tone changes when she's not happy.
Is it possible that you are just feeling a bit bad for being off work and you are reading something into the situation that is not there (I used to be exactly the same). You have done nothing wrong and you have 'official' paperwork to prove that you are genuinely unwell. Try to relax and get yourself better.
she may well not be happy, shes got to find a way to cover your work. Doesnt mean shes not sympathetic to you.
If you are on sick leave then thats it.
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my gp said i should stay off the rest of the week and rest my head,shoulder and is this reasonable time off or too much? in total it will be 5 days.
Its obvious that you rarely have time off but need to relax about it for a few days. They;ll get by at work, try not to feel too guilty.

When you ring tomorrow, tell her that you won't be back this week but will ring on MOnday to let her know how you are. That way you can stop thinking about her and get some rest..
Like Red says, it's probably the added stress.
Your GP is the expert, worrying will only make you more tense and that won't help your neck get better. Please just try and relax and start feeling better, x
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thank you, your all so lovely.
My boss and I get on really well but if I call in sick she will have an edge to her voice... probably cause she'll have to take my phone and deal with my consultants. She returns the favour when she's sick and her consultant is a total Salads Chef.

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