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I'm going on strike :)

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albaqwerty | 09:17 Wed 30th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
subtitled 'gripe of the day'

There's 4 of us who live here and who is the only one who changes the loo roll?


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Don't change it, take a roll in each time you use the toilet then hide it away again, that'll teach em.
But do the others take turns at cleaning the toilet? Changing the loo roll is hardly the dirty end of the stick.
At least you have others to moan at, alba. Imagine being on your own - I worry about forgetting to buy them ;) xx
That's what kitchen rolls for innit ttfn? Emergency loo roll?
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Humph Sandy, cleaning the toilet?? Nope, they are all brave men and shy away from that :)

Good idea B00 (I might just do that, but you know it'll be There's no b.g roll when are you going shopping for some lol)
B00, a spare box of soft tissues, maybe, kitchen roll - never!
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ooh, I'm with ttfn, never never never ever ever kitchen roll.
(Unless you like that sort of thing)
soft tissues? What
Anyone remember Izal medicated ... (aka 'hard&shiny')

< shuffles away feeling a tad tender in the nether regions >
You betcha, B00. I have sensitive skin :)
alba - was the 'gripe' pun intended? ;)
And going back even further.... cut up squares of the Irish News
if you're feeling sensitive, why not keep a flock of fluffy little ducklings to hand?
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It's the Klingons wot dun it ttfn :)

The parents of a pal of mine used to cut up the Sun into squares, says it all really. :)
Ah yes, I remember we used the Liverpool Echo cut up into little squares. We would punch a hole in the corner and thread a piece of string through them so we could hang them up on a nail just to be posh!
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lol jno, reminds me of the rabbit and a bear in the woods joke.

Brave, needs must when the devil drives.
We were so poor we couldnt afford string AND a nail
gripe of the day, hmmmmmmmm im eating fruit and fatty is eating a square sausage sarnie
Swans are much better, it's the neck, it does al lthe fiddly bits!
kitchen roll........................ oh, then you need a plunger. then a plumber !

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