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firewatch | 18:04 Fri 02nd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
who on earth buys em these days?? Been given a box full but have no vhs player, silly old dear thought i did!!!


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No-one. They are pretty dead ..
Can you still buy them? (things on tapes I mean, I know you can still get players)
charity shop jobbie..
I have loads of the things!! Must take them to the skip...
I still have a fully functioning Betamax BetaHiFi player/recorder - Sony built them like brick sh*thouses back in 1985 ....
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hmm cheers, i think they where her grandkids when they were little disney etc
The weight of a Sony Betamax C9 .. whatever they were called .. and the power one needs to operate the levers has to be seen to be believed!
A bit like a small heavy suitcase.
I had loads of these and I boxed them all up and gave them to a charity shop a few years ago. I think I've still got some which I taped myself. Must remember to take them to the dump!
The majority of charity shops no longer accept them. Those that do usually try to sell them for between 10p and 25p each. (There are still some people who buy them, including me!).

Ask around for a charity shop which will accept them or, if there are any rarities among them, try selling them on eBay. Alternatively buy a cheap VHS video recorder (from a BHS Electrical & Furniture Store) and start your own collection!

We still have our video player but that's only because it's combined with the dvd player! Were getting a Bluray player for Christmas so it will be going in the bin.
we've still got our VHS player. If you've got any, take them to the charity shop - or I sold some on eBay a while back. Not everyone likes DVDs!
use the tapes as black tinsel
I've got loads of vhs disney films and I still have a portable telly with a video. We keep it in the spare room for any of the kids staying. Paid alot alot of money for those films, still alot of use in them yet!!
Still have my video recorder and a load of VHS tapes. Grandkids love them and I can still pick them up in charity shops.
Erin, please don't bin video recorders or VHS tapes - put on sites like Freegle - you'd be amazed who still want them.
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i know she is a diamond and dotes on dinky one lol, but is a bit behind with technology!
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dont we have tried to talk her into getting a dvd player, that confussed her no end....
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