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EvianBaby | 16:28 Sat 03rd Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I've bought some calms day time tablets and some night time ones to try and help with my sleep.

Has anyone used either of them before? Were they effective? How long does it take for these sort of things to kick in?


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I popped open a couple of the daytime ones so I think I might as well give them a try at least.
I always give same advice to aid sleep - Horlicks. Really works - at least it does for me on the rare occasions I needed help.
instead of taking something that will make you sleep how about looking at your diet, exercise and routine and illimenate the things that keep you awake. Dont drink at least an hour before bed, stop any caffeine based drinks about 5 hrs before. Try not to exercise later than 8. Make sure heating turned off an hour before bed too. X
I've tried them both and both have helped though I tend to have problems getting to sleep if anything. I find the night ones don't knock me out but help me to relax though I do find it harder to get going in the mornings and I'm quite a morning person.

Some mediation classes helped me with that - I find it really hard to switch off, even when relaxing but that helped me focus more on it and give me techniques to relax myself.

I find getting into a routine helps as my body knows it's time to switch off and sleep. I can't be too hot either, always have a window open and have a dehumidifier that blows cool on me I have set on timer to switch off after and hour. If I have a bath I can't sleep as baths make me too hot.

Similarly I can't sleep on my back, have to turn on my side. Probably, annoyingly, psychological but it works for me.
Are you all getting sufficient alcohol, I wonder.
Probably not the best choice but when we were on holiday I had to get some travel sickness tablets and was offered dramadol (I think that's what they were called!) and they made me very sleepy; kept nodding off on the expensive boat trip!
Lol Khandro....
Try Valerian..or Camomile tea with honey .Nice warm bath before bed and lavender oil on your pillow .
not too warm, its not the heat of the bath that makes you sleepy, its the cooling down after that makes your body relax
My Mum takes them. She has dreadful nights with hardly any sleep, she is 87 and says her mind is too active...... I think they maybe help a little bit, but don't expect miracles!
ive used kalms in the past, with no effect though.
Yes lettuce is supposed to make you sleepy - for older Abers do you remember the Beatrix Potter Books in the 1950s - "The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies" where Peter Rabbit in Mr MacGregors garden eating all his lettuces would make him "soporific" - guess that means sleepy!
where am i going to get lettuce at this time of night ?
Years ago when I'd do the nightshift for two weeks every quarter-end, I'd drink Lithuanian coffee to stay awake at my desk, sugar free Red Bull for the drive home, and then to get to sleep, four cans of Stella Artois. I'd be sat there in my garden at 10am drinking beer with wasps buzzing round me.

Those days are long gone with the death of the Celtic Tiger
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I do have a fairly solid routine and my diet hasn't changed at all since before I was sleeping well. I know it's simply down to the fact I have a lot of my mind.

I did try the Kalms (sorry not Calms) last night and can't really say they had any effect but I'll probably keeping trying for a bit longer, as well as some of the other suggestions maybe.

As I said before I really don't want to go down the route of taking proper sleeping tablets as I do actually need to get up in the mornings and need to function.
I've tried Kalms x2 and both times ended up a shivering cold wreck for at least two hours. Nothing could warm me, it was awful, so binned them. When chatting to a friend we discovered that they had the same effect on her.

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