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Let's have a snap election

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venator | 08:39 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Our relations with the EU appear to be at a crossroads.

We have a coalition government whose parties hold diametrically opposing views.

The majority of the UK people would vote in a referendum for taking back power from Brussels.

The Lib Dems are discredited and the Labour Party has pathetic leadership, and no visible policies.

Now Cameron has grown a backbone, he should go to the country to get a mandate for changing our relations with the EU.

Or should we just fudge along and watch the Eurocrats find bits in the small print to carry on running us down?


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Considering the vagaries of the Electoral System, I think Government decided over a game of Snap would be an excellent idea ;o)

Look at this list of YouGov opinion polls. Labour have been ahead in everyone for the last 13 months despite its admittedly pathetic leader. The Lib Dem vote is likely to collapse and Labour will gain more than the Conservatives from that.

I agree, a Snap election would be a good thing.

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Let's have a snap election

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