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Good morning ya all.

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moonraker558 | 06:20 Tue 13th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I hope you all have a good day. I am off before TTFN see's me on here. Have a good un.


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Morning all. It was a real blustery night last night but seems quite calm at the moment. For how long I dont know. Snow is forecast on the pennines.
Have a good day alll
Noraq's great for skiing, and fun at weekends ... but not on a Tuesday.
'morning OtherHalf
I see Bum tiddly um Bum skiddadled rather quickly this morning!!..I wonder why? lol.
Morning all... wet and cold in Edinburgh..waiting for the winds to return...caused quite a bit of damage here last week....
Morning all - have to pick up picture framing from town (Manchester) and have been waiting for a nice dry day.

What's my chances?
'Morning everybody, cold but dry at the moment we'll just have to see what happens latter.
Belatedly noticed the fairy lights - thanks Ab Editor

If we click on the link, can we illuminate our posts?

Good morning all,

It has just strarted coming down in stair rods,in Somerset,after a blustery early morning,a wet day in prospect.
Good morning.
Good morning from a very windy west midlands.... possible snow showers later not good enough...
Kent is calm at the moment, after a wet and windy night - today is forecast OK, but coming back soon....
I'm taking my pint mug of tea back to bed - today just isn't shaping up & needs to get its act together if it wants me to give it a second chance ...

<not so> sunny dave
Late but hey ho - not often I get the chance to say good morning to all !!

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Good morning ya all.

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