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Got to start the wrapping ...

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sherrardk | 22:01 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
... I may be some time!


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done all ours and laid them out ready for the morning, even managed to put the trike together!!!
Gosh Sherrard you poor thing you are a bit behind aren't you? Funnily enough I'm well in front this year with Cmas preps(first time ever) - done the presents, they are under the tree, veg, sauces, stuffings, cmas pud is pressure cooking and table is set. Just got the turkey to prepare and put in oven ready to switch on at 6am (groan) Last year I followed all the TV chef's advice and got the back of a wooden spoon and put it between turkey skin and flesh (disgusting if you think about it) to loosen the skin then I put a whole half pound slab of butter under the skin. Do you know what? it was the moistest turkey we have ever had, the juice ran out of every slice as I carved it - wonderful! Happy Wrapping ...........
I wrapped the last pressie last night. I love wrapping them. I even wrapped one of my own this year! Haha :-)
done days ago says he glibly.....out for lunch and nibbles tomorrow night.

Got most of you into a Xmas Eve ode over on Mad over 50s or The Apotheosis..sorry ann & firewatch didnt pick you up, its my memory... :-( I'll get you into the final version for tomorrow morning on AB Merry Christmas).
I've got the stockings all ready!After fifty years I still put an apple,a mandarin or clementine and foil wrapped coins in the toe of a stocking then the presents. Daughters (and OH) still expect this.Does anyone else do this? It brings back memories of my childhood when my brothers and I hung up our stockings at the end of the beds. We just got small gifts but it was a magical time esp as we got a "hen"( courtesy of granny who kept hens) for our Christmas dinner and lovely clootie dumpling.
its fine hun! dont worry nee bother

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Got to start the wrapping ...

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