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hypothetical situation ?

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anneasquith | 18:08 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
would you change your xmas routine if, your elderly husband/father was in hospital on xmas day ?


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Now can you see the Queen sitting all day (Xmas or otherwise) at Phil's bedside? That would mean a lotta people being there too, bodygaurds, Ladies in Waiting, Heli pilots & crew etc, ect,
So if you mean the Queen, No.
What would they talk about? they haven't talked for years.

They haven't talked in year??

Really? Are you a close friend? Do you read 'Heat'?
I suppose it would depend on the ex stent of the problem.
I actually don't think my routine would change much at all tbh. Aside from a visit to said person, everything would still happen as normal. I know all my loved ones would not want any of us to miss our usual xmas delights just because of them. I wouldn't expect it of them either if it was me in hospital

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