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Bethlehemian Rhapsody .... a modern Nativity!

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Ann | 16:45 Mon 26th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
A friend has just sent this delightful clip shown at her Methodist Church yesterday - Enjoy! :)


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Loved it Ann, thank you.
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I've actually found the video with subtitles - its better to see the words ...
Ann, that is wonderful - I'm going to share that!
Question Author
Yes I thought it was very clever, and I'd never seen it before.
Delightful? Me, me, me! A man was obliged by a God (who can do anything he likes) to die a horrible death - for me? No thanks. Sorry, I like the puppets, but I reject the sentiment totally. I'd rather take my chances than accept such an appallingly barbaric bargain!

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Bethlehemian Rhapsody .... a modern Nativity!

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