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Have a look at the rest of that particular sellers prices
maybe they deliver it in your Ferrari :o)
hmmmm... maybe they've been hacked
Bargain, I think I'll buy two in-case one breaks!
The buyer feedback is good overall and none have mentioned extortionate prices. If they weren't hacked then there must be some glitch or other.
oh! LOL
It must be the maximum carriage Amazon let them charge for that category of item!
I think the tripods a bargain, it comes with a FREE carry case

The seller is based in Germany......maybe a bit of euro inflation?
They've just got the decimal places wrong. which case the postage is £590 too!
Even if the decimal points were moved it would mean their items were still overpriced by a heck of a lot.
I think the problem may be that when a number is gieven in German, they use a comma where we use a full stop and vice versa. So if something costs 9.99 in English, it is 9,99 in German. Something gets confused in translation.

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and £5.90 to deliver it!!!!!

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