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Turkish Delight

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giveup | 23:23 Thu 29th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
My grandson gave me a large box for Christmas and I can't leave it alone.


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Open it, then !

share it then, gorgeous stuff
and share it!

It's well known that if Turkish delight is left in unopened boxes for more than a week it all turns to maggots.
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You've had a box of Turkish Delight for four days and there is some left! Is it the proper sort, in the cardboard box with a little fork, covered in icing sugar,if so I really jealous.
mmm, especially if it's the proper rose flavoured stuff.
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IT's rose and lemon and covered with icing sugar at least it was, not much left now and I think I ate a bit too much.
You can keep the proper stuff, we prefer the one covered in chocolate!!!
Dunno if iv ever tried it! X
Our friends went to to the Greek part of Cyprus, they bought the same stuff back but it had to be packaged as Cypriot delight.

If you ever get a chance to taste the pistachio version they sell in some of the Arab countries, do try it - it's delish.
Just finished my box now! Icing sugar all down my front :-)

I can never decide, lemon or rose? mmmm both.

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