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Charismatic political leaders (not)

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abstibus | 10:28 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I watched the news last night and wondered if it would be within AB rules to ask for nominations from ABers for the world's least charismatic/least attractive/downright ugly political leaders?
Now taking nominations.
Cheers and happy New Year.


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Sarkhozy, least charistmatic of the lot, chip on shoulder a mile wide, and a bullying nature. Out of the British lot, not much to choose between them, can't see any winning a beauty contest any day soon.
Well ugly shouldn't come into it really but I guess when the British public vote leaders based on whether they've got an attractive wife or a good dress sense you have to dispair.

Charisma's not really related either is it - by many accounts Churchill was charismatic but looked like a butcher's bin!
JTP< Churchill didn't, he was quite a handsome man when young, and when he was our wartime PM was getting on in years, so hardly going to look the picture of health.
Churchill handsome?

as a dashing 30-year-old in 1904:

jno, confess not a good picture, thanks for reminding me, did see one where he looked rather dashing....
that wasn't it... Can't see the likes of Cameron, Clegg, Ed Milliband being around in politics in 50 years time can you, and Milliband would get my vote as the ugly duckling that won't turn into anything.
I think he looked pretty dashing here

The new North Korean chap seems to have the potential to be a world beater in the ugly duckling competition. Clem Attlee, who was first PM after the war, was uncharismatic but he had the fire in his belly.
I think Hitler was pretty charasmatic. Could have been quite good looking when younger too (if it wasn't for the silly moustache).
we can all have bad hair days, em, but deliberately having a DA over each ear is just perverse. If he's stayed like that he'd never have won the war.
moustaches come, moustaches go; they've been gone for a while, but Chaplin had much the same one, and it wasn't so he'd look silly.

I was watching a video of the 1981 Ashes recently and I was impressed to see half the England players had beards and half the Aussies had handlebar moustaches. Only 30 years ago.

Try telling Dennis Lillee he didn't look charismatic and he'd hit you with his aluminium bat.
Quite liked Maggie Thatcher's moustache!
Quite liked Margaret Thatcher full stop. Imran Khan is quite good looking.
Van Rompuy and Catherine Ashton take some beating in the non- charismatic (or wimp) categories. I suppose it comes from being the lowest common denominator when it came to the vote:-/
Ed Miliband makes me laugh when I see him! David isn't bad looking.. He should have won the Labour leader election. I would much rather see him on the tv ;-)
Ed Miliband always reminds me of Bernie Winters. I can't see Ed without thinking "I'll smash yer face in"
Ed the gormless.
//David isn't bad looking.. He should have won the Labour leader election. //

Hmm - now what's wrong with this statement
If you had finished my quote Jake you would see that it was meant as a joke......
Sorry - trouble is it's too close to the truth these days!

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Charismatic political leaders (not)

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