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maggiebee | 16:02 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just looked out the window into the gloom and it's snowing. Not some half hearted attempt, but really tipping it down. New year plans will be up the spout if this carries on lol


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Where are u maggie???
whereabout are you maggiebee?
Snap Sammo!
I think maggie is Dundee way. It's tiddling down here and bitter cold outside.
Question Author
Dundee, east coast of Scotland
see, I pay attention lol xxxx
-- answer removed --
I want snow!! It's just peeing down here in Fife. I'm having a pj day so it's perfect :-)
well keep it up there maggie..can't stand the stuff
Dark as midnight and tipping it down here in Leicestershire! Ugh horrid!
Rain I mean!!
It is dark and gloomy here in London with a hint of drizzle!
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Snap Erin, having a pj day too
It's great eh :-) I'm eating the last of my Christmas chocs and watching Across the Universe. I need to make the most of them before I start my new job :-)
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Good luck with the new job Erin.
Had a pj day yesterday, oh bliss. Am planning on having one tomorrow too but don't tell Mr Alba please.

Erin, whenever and wherever you start your new job, I hope it'll be good x
Thanks! I start in January in a little private nursery.... Can't wait!! :D
It better not move to glagow! Grr x
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Sure you'll love it Erin. My son trained as a nursery nurse and now manages an out-of-school care club.
Am sure you'll love it Erin x

Tinks Glasgow is supposed to miss it. (I'm closer to Paisley than Glasgow tho)

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