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missprim | 01:01 Sun 01st Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The fireworks have started so no point going to bed for the next 3 hours.


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Very quiet around here missprim, in fact I haven't heard a single firework yet.
They started again here too, we had some earlier this evening though I prefer to watch the fireworks from Edinburgh Castle. Happy New
Year Miss P.
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Do you live in a country village paddywak?
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happy new year nungate.
Just been watching the Edinburgh fireworks on TV. Best wishes to you all, thanks for being with me at the bells. Few fireworks going off here in Dundee but nothing that will keep me awake.
Same as I was thinking Miss P...(tho perhaps you don't mind that with your visitor...chuckle lol)
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Oh yes I kind of slipped up there.What I meant to say was no point in going to sleep for the next 3 hours :-)
Fair sized village, missprim in fact it likes to call itself a town, though I've been in smaller villages with better facilities.
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Love your avatar paddywak, so cute.
The fireworks seem to be dying away now so perhaps I might get some sleep after all.
Happy new year x
That was taken when we first got him, he's an aged gentleman of ten years now, but he's a good old boy.

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