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firewatch | 20:29 Mon 02nd Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
and happy new year, tiz the season for coughing and sneezing here hope you all had as good a christmas as possible and a peaceful new year.


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yes spoilt rotten but totally confused by the end, she had three present opening sessions and was given loads of lovely things. Shes also given up her dummy in the last few days as well so plus points all round!xx
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Hi firewatch happy new year to you. I hope you have escaped the coughing and sneezing. Mrask is just recovering, been in bed for a few days. Now I feel a bit jiggered with running up and down stairs.
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he had to be starved for 8 hours when she 5 weeks old due to a stomach bug the dummy was her only way of sleeping. awww bless she just kept saying wow all the timex
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AYG happy new year and no, my husband coughs in the most dramatic fashion which has meant a serious lack of sleep for me, and i now have it so propped up on several pillows/folded spare duvet, just to stop myself coughing (worse when i lay flat). Little one has it to but shes just got snots and sneezesx
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Question Author
oh yes name to face now lol, hope you pick up soon all this coughing is doing my nut in i cant imagine what its like for youx
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Two verses for you and your wee one, fw (Happy New Year)

It's all rather funny
but when your nose is red and runny
It's not.

It's just not funny

When your nose is runny;
You feel all soggy,
Hoarse and froggy.
Your throat is scratching;
The germs are hatching.
You know it's catching~
Question Author
aww DT that made me smile! I have no voice at the mo so this is my out let the child is getting away with murder at the mo saying that shes crying be bac in a mo

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