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Are spas 'un-Islamic'?

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sandyRoe | 16:24 Sun 01st Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
10 Answers
Will this decision affect their tourist trade?


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It will undoubtedly affect the tourist trade. They are entitled to bring in whatever laws they want though as it is their country and not for us to tell them what to do.
Jeez we can see who is going to take over the world can't we....husha ma mouth.
That's it. I'm not going to the Maldives now.
Turkish Baths are a very civilised and long standing tradition from the muslim world. I annually enjoy my visit to the hot springs and mud baths in that country.

The Maldives interpretation is at odds with what has been practiced for centuries throughout the old Ottoman Empire. It provably won't affect the tourist industry too much. I don't think many travel all that way for a bath.
A friend of mine going on holiday in the Maldives took with him a bottle his favourite tipple as he thought that perhaps he wouldn't be able to get it there. He was right, he couldn't get it there because the customs confiscated his (un-islamic)bottle. He will certainly never go back.
. . . most likely without so much as a "Thank You!" for his pains.
Alcohol Egypt
Sorry Sandy didn't see your thread, seeing that I never visit this topic section.

Today I entered this story in the News section.
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AOG, it may be the wisest thing you've ever done to stay out of R&S. I sometimes think that this way madness lies.
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Are spas 'un-Islamic'?

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