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Why I shouldn't watch adverts

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sherrardk | 00:08 Sat 07th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just saw an advert for The Art of Quilting (90 weeks at £3.99) and was seriously tempted (can't sew and don't have a sewing machine).


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Funnily I'd never thought of that.................
Kirsty seems to me to be the type who'd have a proper hanky and not a tissue
Boo, you should be on stage.......Scrubbing it.
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She's probably got a load of them that she has embroided her initials onto.
Don't think I would like to be called a sewer, isn't that where all the sewage goes? Isn't their another name for a person who likes sewing?
I seen it erin!!!

Tempted... But i dont like the fabric

bab you have daltys (sp) on catherdral walk which does classes in this if your that interested lolx
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Why I shouldn't watch adverts

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