When I swicthed my TV off, this evening, I noticed a large "smear" to the left hand side, pretty much in the bottom corner.
The only way I can describe it, is it's like someone has rubbed day-glow green on the screen.
It's quite big, about the size of a dinner plate, but doesn't show up when I'm watching the telly, only once I've switched it off.
It's not a mark on the screen itself, but almost underneath, so I can't actually get to it.
It's not causing any problems with my viewing, but I just wondered what the hell it was????
I had JVC tv with this in the centre of the screen,and as you say it does not affect viewing.I believe it is a suction mark from the manufacturer as they use a large rubber suction pad to pick up the sets when on the production line,hope this helps.
Sorry flip, I've just noticed the word PLASMA.
I was thinking that if it was a CRT type then it could have needed de-gausing due to the magnets round the CR Tube.
Excuse the delay. It's a Samsung 50" plasma. Not sure of the model number, though I doubt that would help with anything, anyway.
I've had it for about 2 and a half years, so I'll be pretty disappointed if it's on it's way out.
I don't think it is, because it's otherwise fine. Just annoying, more than anything.