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DrFilth | 00:51 Fri 13th Jan 2012 | News
46 Answers
if it was ever needed, if this person was on a bike he would probably be in jail and his bike would have been confiscated and crushed

one for the rich one for the working class

money man gets to keep his car once his short ban is up



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just posting a bits of info IggyB
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strange how an ex cop does not have a view on a top traffic cop or other police breaking the law

and they say we are all equal, only in their f****** dreams
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strange here is one in black and white

>>He used a helmet-mounted camera to record himself
on four occasions in April 2011.
In addition to the ban and suspended sentence Owens
was told at the court sitting in Amersham that he must
complete 150 hours community work, his bike has been
confiscated and he has been given 10 points on his
licence. <<

forgive me if i am wrong but does it not state that his bike has been

>>>>>>>>>>>>> confiscated <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
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>> Former Labour peer Lord Ahmed has been freed just two weeks into his jail sentence for texting while driving on a motorway - minutes before a fatal crash.

He was imprisoned for sending and receiving texts before being involved in the smash on the M1 near Rotherham, South Yorkshire on Christmas Day 2007.

Lord Ahmed has been released early by the Court of Appeal.

The 51-year-old, had been jailed at Sheffield Crown Court on February 25 after admitting dangerous driving. He was expelled from the Labour Party when found guilty.

But he was not present for the ruling by three judges in London that ordered his release. <<

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