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maggiebee | 22:48 Thu 19th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Can't believe it, just looked out and the garden is white. Hope this is not a taste of more to come, thought we were getting off lightly this winter...


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Wherefore art thou maggie?
Blimey, where are you?
Question Author
East coast of Scotland - absolutely baltic today.
Just hope it stays away from here, I've got a dodgy knee atm and can't cope with walking on ice or snow. It's been cold windy and wet here all day.
> Wherefore art thou maggie?

Why is she what?
I'm comprehensive educated Mark.
maggie! long as it stays in Scotland, it's fine!
Shakespear....isn't that him wot wrote them plays n stuff?
No, that was Sir Francis Bacon.
Nah ZM it woz Shakespeare wot rote 'em
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Wis that no Ernie Wise?
Ha ha. Very good. And now sleep, perchance to dream....
Ah, shame, why not move down to the south where I live, lovely balmy but a wee bit damp to-day. Temp 10deg.
It's not lying in Fife... too wet. It's been blowing through, on and off all day though.
yesterday's small amount of snow did not lie. Dull and wet here in Edinburgh.
It rained here this Qatar!! What's all that about?
It's OK here in the sarf

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