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Morning Peeps :)

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albaqwerty | 06:43 Thu 26th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
What ya up to today? Anything interesting or just a mundane Thursday?

I'm doing mundane. Food shopping and job hunting. Exciting!!!


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Morning Moonie!!!!! I take it you've left the sheep alone?

Malaysia is fine Boaty. Where shall we meet? Heathrow or Gatwick?
Southampton docks alba. Going by sea will allow us to acclimatise on the way.

Morning moonie.
Alba, small chore that's all. Morning moonie. Time to go so.................

Have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you
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oooh Boaty, lovely. Not one of those high-falluting cruise ships I hope.
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Take care Sweetcheeks xxxx
Have a good'un welshy.

No way alba! Couldn't be doing with that nonsense. More like a freighter that carries a few passengers as well. Much more fun, and cheaper.
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We're in tune Boaty. That'd suit me fine. :D
Time to go and book my ticket on the freighter.
Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
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Take care Boaty xx At least we won't be rowing (hopefully) As in oars.
morning everyone. just housework and cleaning up down here. maybe household shopping. oh i really know how to live it up.
good luck with the job hunting alba. go for it.
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Morning LJ x

Blooming job hunting can become depressing but I refuse to let it get me down

It;s getting lighter here and I can see white stuff. Would you do my food shopping please?
alba no probs. i already do for a couple of othere people who can't get around so well. just add yours to the list.

can i join the freighter sailing? i could do with a good change at the moment.
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Thanks LJ. Of course you can join us. The more the merrier. xx

I must toddle offski now, and if Nom, Rowan, Bet, BJ or JJ look in, morning my lovelies xx

Hope Rowan has a lovely time xx
Type Your Answer Here...thanks. i'll get my packing done in a sec. just drop the word and i'll be ready.

good morning everyone who follows. got to be off now.
Morning all- I'm very late this morning:)
morning alba and everyone

Im going to work in 5 minutes... i havent been all week and ive missed everyone so looking forward to it.... after that idea
reading the paper, not got much further than that

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Morning Peeps :)

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