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Where's this 'Best Answer'..

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janzman | 21:16 Thu 02nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
...and bloody great advert come from and can I remove it,please.


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advert: adblock. Best answer: comes from the Ed; you remove it at your peril.
I take it that with increased advertising revenue pouring into AB Towers, all us AB'ers (aka shareholders) will get a cut
depends - how much did you pay for your shares?
im sick of scrolling down to get to the first answer grrrrr
They were free due to all the wise advice and common sense advice I hav gven over the years
I know, pixi - and when you got there it was only me! Sorry!
AB has suddenly gone super quick...
grrrrrrrr jno.....
That ad is annoying. Takes up a big chuck of this page.

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