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8d Full, but sick(8)T?O?O?G?. Thorough?
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A musical reference of sorts - a title of a piece of music probably with the following letters:-        O ?a???n???m
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Brighton and Hove perhaps? (7) ????R?S
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The French to get the bill in a Glasgow bar (5) L???N
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Right about Dubonnet I drunk to put on the rocks (3,4,4) ??N  ???O ????
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I get mad with IT complex still (9) M????????
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Egyptian dancer in Spain and Germany once? (9) A??????
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4dn: Row about taking second exam for failures, perhaps (5) I have r?n?i Help please
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13dn: The man of 1980 is dead keen on freedom from war (5,5) I have ?a?i? peace Help please
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24a. Nasty ones on line? Lots left and right out of line. (6) T?O???. 66a. Dracula's sounding home in his bed, for the day anyway! (6) ?????N. 73a. But here's where there's cold turkey... ...
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18a US sp. for strengths; abilities  V?G?R? Thank you all in advance
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1dn:Peter Shaffer and Friedrich Engels debut pieces (4)and 17ac:Sandman who runs finance stores close to Iving (5) and 18ac: One embarrassed about crossing the lake to see Tom Sawyer (5) Help please
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15a Tragic judge, not in social media? (5,7)?E?R?/R?N????. 7d Brainiac with a beer mug at the Oktoberfest (8)
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8d, Departed to view a letter that has become dilapidated (4,2,4)G-N-, To ,S-E-? 20d, Chemical process occuring when you transport the ox to Indis(9)O-I-A-I-N?
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Someone might guide me on this. 18a. Entering(4)i??o. I have 'Into' 24a. Entry and Scrutiny authorisation (6,7) I have 'Search Warrant'. The puzzling one is 19d. People(5)I have t?i?a. The only... ...
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Members heading off husbands (4) I have ?r?s. Must surely be "arms" but how does that work?
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Last two 16D.Muslim leaderssent up maintaining rare hope for Jewish writers (8) S-P-E-I- 23D. Sort of camp that's full (4) H-G- Explanation please Many thanks in advance
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Can anyone please explain why this is sorbet? I can see that ice is probably sorbet but can't see the derivation. Thanks Sam
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Last one 8d Two males harbouring negative reaction to tango in a 1960s Latin American movement (3,4) T?E ?O?M   Thanks in advance
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Monster Colossus 133a. Restaurant server (10) Stuck on this clue, can't get a 10 letter answer Any help will be gratefully received, thanks in advance.    

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