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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:30 Fri 10th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
A quickie this morning. I have to get over to Stroud early to get the boat ready for herself, then get changed into something more presentable. No snow here, but what it's like on the way to and in Stroud I will find out shortly. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning mark. How are you?
I am in rude health, thanks for asking. How are you?
Question Author
Not too bad. Got a long day ahead, so what I'll be like at the end of it is another story!
Morning folks xxx

Good grief, 4.30 is blooming early!! Hope all goes well Boaty x
Good morning xx
Morning Nora xxx

Doesn't feel like a Friday. Anything planned for the weekend? Summat nice I hope?
Good morning all, we actually had snow down y'ere in the south overnight! We softie southerners aren't used to the white stuff. Have a good day all and stay safe xxx
I know Albs!!...the weeks are flying by.
I hope you are wearing a posh frock and hat this morning. =)
The hat is at a rakish angle, (forgot me frock) Must be an age thing :)
Albs...This is what I am 'doing' =) (I have a very high pain threshold) xx

February 11: Italy v England, 4pm and France v Ireland, 8pm
Hello x
Morning JJ xx

Ireland will horse the froggies.
good moaning. good luck to wbm today and hi to the rest of you folks. mmm...fresh coffee and a fag, followed by a bacon butty later. 'tis a good start x
=)...I live in hopes Albs.
Hi and bye to all...have a great weekend. xx
Morning icg, (that sounds like my idea of a good start to the day!)
Morning everyone, just popped in for a quickie. Good luck Boaty (although i've probably missed him) - i'll keep an eye out for you on the news tonight (don't forget the placard!!). Apparently, sweetpea thinks i'll get a reputation for 'popping in for a quickie' - don't know what on earth she means!!! Seems i've missed susanna on the telly again this morning - damn these early starts. Hiope everybody is ready for the scrum down tomorrow - hopefuuly the England team will put a performance in and not have to trust to poor finishing by the opponents like last weekend. As for the Wales/Scotland match, if it's half as exciting as 2010 then it will definitely be the one to watch this Sunday.
Well, time for me to go folks, so........................

Have a good day - and a great weekend - y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you
morning all.... just a light frosting of snow here but very very cold I am going to buy a higher tog duvet on the way home tonight 10.5 is fine when there are two of us but on my own brrrrrrrr Hope you all have a good day...

Rugby wise I don't care how we play so long as we grind out a win...ireland V France should be a nice one for the neutral

Good footie this w/end too Anfield Cat and the team v Man U

Oh well better get sorted need to visit apotheosis yet pay my daily obeisance to the great Ab Editor

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Good morning early birds!

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