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maggiebee | 00:31 Sun 12th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Just home from a fabulous night out to see a Queen Tribute concert. Singer was a bit skinnier and shorter than Freddy, but boy could he move and sing. Was just thinking that the first time I heard Radio Ga Ga was when I started Uni in 1983 - sounds just as fresh 29 years later.


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My tenuous link to Queen is that I have handled the device they used to get all their heads in one shot in Bohemian Rhapsody
That's more than tenuous, mrs o, that's famous!
Thanks Zhukov. What a showman! Really enjoyed that. But I still carry a candle, if not a torch, for Brian May.
Do you think Brian May will do a repeat performance of the National anthem on the roof of Buckingham Palace for the Diamond Jubilee?
Great minds think alike Daisy!
Not really Boxy, anyone can get their mitts on it. It is on display in the National Museum of Film TV and Other Things in Bradford
Always regret turning down tickets for Bandaid. At the time I wasn't interested in Queeen but came to love them in later years.
The chappie who won Stars in Your Eyes as Freddie was brilliant but never heard anything of him since.
Sorry Live Aid!!
Ann, I would love to spend some time with John Barrowman. Does not matter about his preferences. He seems to be an interesting person. Yes, I can always look. Learned early in life that some things were untouchable.
For you maggie! my favourite ............
Yes I agree Daisy - he is so friendly and natural, I would love to meet him too!
Don't Stop Me Now. One of my all time favourites.Thanks. Now I know what to ask my children to buy for my birthday!
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Carandrog, it was the chap who won Stars in Their Eyes I went to see last night, absolutely fab. They're just about to leave for a month long trip to the USA. Apparently been doing the tribute show for the past 10 years.

Zhukov and Ann - many thanks for your links, three of my all time favourites.

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