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Have some madeira, M'dear...

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sandyRoe | 16:41 Sun 12th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Was the cad in the music hall song trying to seduce the young lady with cake or wine?


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Wine, deffo.

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I suppose you're right. Cake, or candy, is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
I suspect the alcoholic version.
interestingly this version was recorded for US television, where some of the original wording was changed to protect the tranastlatic sensibilities.......
Doesn't he "have a whole cask of it here" ?
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They might have had cakes in casks in the Victorian era, JJ.
And a very nice drink it is too, much nicer than sherry, IMO
There are a few 'lady' ABers who would probably turn a trick for a nice piece of cake. ;-)
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All right. I agree with you. Possibly but not probably. It's just that there was a Xword clue posted here a time or two today and the answer was Madeira.
Strange, the connections the brain makes sometimes.
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Wait a minute. That last was addressed to JJ. I'm not agreeing with you, Zacs Master, and impugning the character of any of the AB ladies. ;-)
Nah, JJ would need a fish supper and a couple of bottles of Newcy Brown, minimum, I reckon.
All this talk of Madeira - I'll have to get myself a wee bottle. Only trouble is OH doesn't like it (too sweet) so I'll have to dink it all myself. mmmmm

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Have some madeira, M'dear...

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