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valentines day, when was this

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rozia | 00:18 Wed 15th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Just joking i know........i didn't get a card or a meal, or a rose etc, was so upset, but i didint get him anything we are quits now, until the next time!! i forgotten how good it feels to be spoilt by a fella......


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Well, I made my wife a card, but she never gave me one - just t point out it's not only men who don't bother, lol.
I had a lovely card and I plan to defer celebrating til we get together friday
we don't acknowledge Valentine's at all - although I must admit that yesterday, as he's in hospital, I took him some strawberries...
boxy...but WHO ate them ? lol

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valentines day, when was this

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