Thought this text from my s-i-l was funny.If my body was a car I'd trade it in for a newer model.I've got humps,dents and scratches and my headlights are out of focus.My gearbox is seizing up and it takes me hours to reach maximum speed. I overheat for no reason and every time I sneeze,cough or laugh either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires
Hi Old_Geezer you're probably right but I still thought it funny even if it's a pretty good description of mine! Better go to bed now and re-charge my batteries.
That sounds like a very good description of my body but as long as I keep topping up the (alcoholic) antifreeze in my radiator, everything seems to keep going!
Mrs Spod reminds me that I used to be like a LeMans racer, raring to go and able to keep going for ages. Now? More like and old Jaguar, a little worn but very comfortable and sometimes needing to be started by hand.