Hi, i'm from seascale sellafield and i've noticed that recently there has been an explosion of giant super rats and i'm not exaggerating as i've been to madagascar and these things here dwarf the Malagasy Giant Rat which are huge
These creatures are very bold and have been seen attacking dustpins to try and get in and following shoppers who are carrying food in bags.
Just the other day i heard yelping from my little yorkie terrier alfie and ran to the garden to find him cornered by roughly seven rats who were't frightened by by presence and only dispersed when i blew my foghorn, to be honest i was terrified because these things were huge and vicious looking and no one around here now goes out at night and sleeping is near impossible as every sound outside has you running around the house checking the doors and windows.
The funny thing is we live not too far away from the nuclear plant and there is also a government scientific experimental facility 2 miles away and i can't help thinking that this may have something to do with it as everyone in the local area that has reported this has been visited by officials and have had very in depth interviews by these guys wanting to know every little detail and have been forcifully convinced to sign a waiver agreeing to not talk to the media under threat of prosecution.
Have any of you heard of these giant rats around sellafield or know why and how they've grown bigger then a medium sized dog?