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Daft Programme About Alcoholics

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joggerjayne | 21:34 Mon 20th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
Oh, purleeeze.

There's this daft programme on the beeb suggesting that people drink too much.

It's almost the weekend. What do they expect!


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I have to say that when I came to London with my sons many years ago now and was taken in by the lady who later became my wife I was on drink and drugs and failing very very fast. The thing was though that I knew I needed help with drugs, but drinking too much was just completely normal where I was from. Every man I knew went out and got lashed, drank at home etc and I really didn't see that as a problem at the time. It was only after I had a really good look at myself as part of the process of coming off drugs that I realised that the alcohol dependency was every bit as bad. Whilst it wasn't really a huge deal to stop drinking actually and I can now either drink or not because my mind set is healthy, at the time, everyone who came around to my wife's place was drinking more than I was, and they were all affluent creatives. since then a fair few have actually died of their addiction, but ask them at the time and they would have just considered themselves to be social or relaxation drinkers. There is a lot of kidding ourselves about our addictions, mine was obvious because I was a wreck, if you function well, you could kid yourself for years until it's way too late.
I was exactly one of those functioning alcoholics

I realised it when I couldn't recall a day without alcohol in 3 years

4-5 bottles of wine a week will start to cause you damage - I was way over that at the end

This graph is scary


It shows the explosion of liver cases in the last 40 years and liver disease now kills more people than road deaths and diabetes combined.

I know someone in their 20s where I work who nearly died of it last year

I'm not upset by JJs post

I do think it's like all these people who used to say "I smoked 40 a day for 40 years and it never did me any harm"

Many of whom then collapsed in their 60s with heart attacks
Nox and other recovering alcoholics - you are so brave and courageous to face up to your illness and defeat it. I admire you very much.
Intresting point rowanwitch , but what causes the lowering of the age?
Is it an earlier starting age , heavier drinking or a combination of the 2 ?

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