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Making the best use of every bit of available space.

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RATTER15 | 10:17 Thu 01st Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Not exactly Tesco!!



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That must be India.

Nothing should ever surprise you there.
Blimey! They've done that a few times.
Mind the gap.....and the fruit and veg.
Count your blessings people!!
I'm too fat to shop there. I wouldn't be able to squeeze past the shelves.
Is that Croydon?
Lol Starry, I was just thinking that about myself.
If it happened in UK Health & Safety would require a risk assessment to see if the proximity to vegetables could corrode the train wheels.
What's the problem?
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Hopkirk, no problem that im aware of?

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Making the best use of every bit of available space.

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