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JimmyButtons | 08:57 Wed 11th Jun 2003 | Home & Garden
17 Answers
How many pairs of shoes do you own? I hope you don't mind me asking. I have 40, which came as a bit of a shock. I am not Imelda Marcos.


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I have just sat and totted up and I think I must have about 25 pairs. I do have trouble buying shoes. I can never find shoes, at the moment they are all too high and fussy and flip flops all seem to be too flat. I love Roland Cartier, but their designs always stay the same. Also alot of casual shoes are far too clumpy and wide with horrid round toes. I sometime sthink I should open a fashion and shoe shop and just stock the thing I like!!
8 Pairs....I think we will see a fair difference in the sexes in this question :>)
I currently possess 7 pairs of trainers, 3 pairs of formal shoes, 1 pair of golf shoes, 2 pairs of sandals/flip flops and a pair of roller blades. Oh by the way i'm a guy!
Get ready to be shocked blokeys - I have 1 pair of trainers, 1 pair of normal boots and 1 pair of knee high boots .........and I'm female!!! :)
I feel sad with myself because this question actually led me to counting ; but here's the tally. 18 pairs shoes, 2 pr dress shoes, 2 pr sandals, 3 pr slippers, 1 pr hiking boots, 1 pr hiking shoes, 1 pr gardening shoes, 2 pr wellington boots, 1 pr trainers. Total 31, which has surprised me. Must stop buying shoes !!
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i have just really shocked myself, i knew i had a bit of a thing for shoes ( i choose what clothes i'm wearing according to what shoes i fancy wearing) and my other half has climbed onto a very high horse....i confess.....93 pairs of shoes, no wonder we havent got enough shoe storage (my other half has 5 pairs of shoes)
i have worn 4 different pairs of shoes today
Erm Treacle. You a horse ?
currently I have 100 pairs of trainers and 100 pairs of boots.
last night i was banned from buying any more shoes for a month as a result of this question, unfortunately i had spotted a gap in my collection so i've just been and bought some little stroppy (that is stroppy, quite like strappy) shoes coz the sun's come out and i just didn't have anything to wear, happy again, 94 pairs of shoes and counting :-)
Well, not counting the footwear supplied for compulsory wearing at work, I have 1pr of dress shoes, 1pr of trainees for hanging about in, 1pr of trainees for 5-a-side (which are split and in need of replacement) 1pr of sandals (bought for hols next week) and my wife tells me I also need a pair of "deck" shoes for the hols too.

I also have 1pr of slippers (much needed Christmas prezzie from my daughter) and an old pair of walking boots, which have just been superseeded coz my more affluent bro-in-law replaced his and gave me his old cast-offs which, incidentally, have only been used about 5 times!

I also have a pair of steelies for grafting in and a pair of welliegogs for the wet, clarty stuff. And finally, sob, sob, a pair of footie boots which hardly ever got used just coz I couldn't get into the side... Thank goodness for 5-a-side!!!

I think that makes 10... Blimey, I never knew I was such a slave to fashion!

True to my gender, I've had the same pair of shoes for 6 years now; during which time I've got through 5 pairs of work boots. My daughter suggested I should buy another pair of shoes - I pointed out that I still only had the one pair of feet.
Let me think 1 pair of dog earred trainers,1 pair of flip flops 1pair of wellies for archaeology 2 pairs of formal shoes 2 pairs of sandals 1 of which is about 10 years old.there we go i dont like fussing about shoes as im a size 7 and never can afford the big brand names.
I have one pair of best shoes that I wore on my wedding day and haven't worn since, one pair of climacool trainers and one pair of skechers.
I've just got my "deck" shoes and they're spot on, just like trainees only in khaki suede... Even my daughters (and my nephew) all said "cool" when they saw them... I'm chuffed to bits!

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