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do you ever wonder

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mccfluff | 15:16 Wed 07th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
what life would be like for you.. personally if you dial back 100, 150 years.

Ummm's thread about marriage and maggies comment about doing things in order of marriage then sex then babies had me musing

independent, working, living on my own (sort of) no marriage or kids and happy with that. would i of been some kind of spinster living in the woods collecting firewood or something?

oooo or maybe even a witch, i like that idea


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Those contraptions are very 'in' now...............for hanging pans from in the kitchen.
Well mine is festooned with pants and socks right now :-)

< an image you didn't need with your afternoon cuppa >
I miss my pulley :(

Don't have a tumble drier either., thank lawdy for radiators :)

I did cringe when the miinister read the Banns, Miss Pre-Alba, spinster of the parish..... young and employed thank you.
I would have been scandalous..........

......which is a rather nice thought.
I'd have preferred not to had have to move to Llangollen, though. :o)
I had one of those pulley things in a house I used to rent. I loved it. I think it is called a Lazy Maid?

Jack you still ARE scandalous according to some posters on here. lol
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thanks mosaic

but i'm still going for crazy cat lady
As a barren woman, I'd def be stuck caring for family... or maybe in service as a housekeeper if I was lucky

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