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Off to a quiz tonight...

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mrs_overall | 19:50 Fri 09th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What does everyone else have planned?


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whatever takes your fancy mrs overall!
Great news gollob
We won. Pleasant!
"we usually sit near the clever clogs and eavesdrop on their answers, we still lose lol :) "

We used to get people doing that to us too, until we started telling each other the wrong answers in a voice loud enough for them to hear. Meanwhile, we would write our real suggestions down on a separate piece of paper. That soon stopped them.
When we were on holiday in Portugal there was a quiz every night at 6pm. We went most nights just before we went for dinner. Of the 10 nights we attended we won 8, all prizes were a bottle of vodka.
Just before we left we decided to give them away (Neither of us drink vodka) We then noticed that bits were floating around the bottles, so we just left them in the hotel room. I often wonder if anyone drank them.

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Off to a quiz tonight...

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