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Do Live Your Life By The Clock?

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bellazella | 21:15 Mon 12th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Didnt realise that people live like that


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Perhaps if it is a dandelion.
Hate to be late for anything,mbut if I only have myself to worry about time does not rule my life.
Well if I get too far away from it I can't tell what the time is any more.
Always like to be on time for an appointment, early if possible. Hate it when someone turns up late with no apology, very rude I think.
God no! I am always on time for work, well 10 mins early if I work afternoons but get there dead on time when I work mornings. We eat meals at random times. Even my daughter doesn't have a set mealtime but she does have an estimated bedtime which we try to stick too.
I couldn't live my life as a strict routine. Each to their own I guess.
I also think it can be just as rude/an inconvenience if people turn up too early for things.
i don't, in fact i'm 3 weeks late for work.
"Punctuality is the thief of time" - Oscar Wilde
And look what happened to him.
I lose track of time quite often. I'm always punctual but I do things when I want most of the time. I eat when i'm hungry, sleep when i'm tired etc. I wouldn't really have a routine if it wasn't for work. Weekends to myself are my favourite as nothing dictates what i'm doing and when i'm doing it.
did someone pinch him ?
2SP, naughty step now!!!!
I'm on time for meetings, because to be otherwise would be rude and show a certain arrogance that I think the other person should wait for me. As for everything else, I entirely please myself, sometimes I go out clubbhing and don't roll in until the next morning and sometimes I go to bed at 7 0'clock at night with a book- depends how it tickles my fancy on any given day.
I bet you are really glad you asked this question bellazella lol x
What has bedtime got to do with living life by the clock? Surely it depends on whether or not you are tired or with whom you want to go to bed?
Some people need a set bedtime every night Daisy. If that routine changes for some reason, it could severely upset the person. Like my cousin who has mild Aspergers... He needs that sort of routine to function properly.
When I worked (dirty word now) I had set times for certain things. Now I'm retired things are different. I do as I want, or do I mean what Mrs MM wants.
Punctuality is the politeness of princes.................
On the few occasions my alarm never went off (either due to power cut or I forgot to set it) I still woke up at the time I knew I had to wake up at. I can't tolerate tardiness and am paranoid of being guilty of it myself.
It is 23.00 and I must depart, 23.01-3 being the toothbrush, 23.04 the bedwear and p's and 23.05 to 24.00 the joys of R4, every night without fail - shyte I am a minute late already.

Guten nacht.
Erin, yes I can understand that. Perhaps the parameters of the question are too wide.
Unfortunately I do live by the clock as I have to work full time. The battery in my watch ran out today but I didn't miss it as I thought I would as the routine was such that it all looked after itself!

I get up when the alarm goes off at 6.30am, go to work, attend meetings at pre-arranged times, finish at a set time or later. I come home, make conversation, cook a meal, deal with life in general, watch some TV etc.

Once we reach midnight I start to think about going to bed with an ambition of making there by 1am. Alarm goes off at 6.30am and off we go again.

Until the weekend when its more relaxed and we avoid anything too predictable.

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