Her old dog died about 6 months ago and she swore she would not get another.
She is a teacher and hated the fact the dog tied her down - the poor dog had an awful life shut up in the kitchen for hours on end - but she is adament about getting another now - and she does not want a small one either - her last was a dalmation. If she went to a dog trust they probably would not let her have one (I would love one and I only work part time)
I really would like to talk her out of it but she seemes determind
Don't I know it Jomifl, Bumpkin (Avatar) has only 3 legs, was like it when we adopted him and Major broke both front legs 2 years ago and is pinned and plated, good job we have top flight vets in our practice, we dont need the "Bionic TV Vet" our vets bills stand at over £8,000 (GBP if the pound symbol fails) - without insurance at £40 per dog per month we couldnt have afforded them.. here is so much to consider before taking on the "Responsibility" of owning a dog.
We have four dogs and if we are out of the house for more than a few hours we take the dogs with us or we get someone to come in to check the dogs and keep them company, I know with four they will keep themselves company but we just like to make sure and we have plenty of volunteers willing to come and sit with the dogs.
I agree that you can have a dog and work full time, but that in itself is another full time job. Could she employ a dog walker? I also agree, in principle on it would be a better life than being in a kennel all day....could she get two [older] dogs so they have company....
All that said it doesn't sound like her last dog had the best of lives so I'll go with the cricket bat idea ;0)
Ric.ror I SWEAR if she was a friend of mine, I would tell her straight and I wouldn't care if it ended the friendship. She is a totally selfish woman and if she moaned that the last one tied her down, why would this one be any different?? It wouldn't be so bad if she at least let it have the run of the house and I hope she leaves a radio on as background noise for the poor animal. If she is determined and you can't talk her out of it (maybe show her these answers), could you not offer to walk it if you only work part-time?
I think you risk having two miserable dogs instead of one divegirl if she does what you suggest. I do understand why you suggested it though. And she's never going to go and help at a rescue centre if she couldn't even walk her own poor dog. I agree with chapta, I would yell her straight as well and wouldn't care if she fell out with me because I wouldn't want her as a friend. Please convince her a cat would better suit her lifestyle and stress she doesn't have to walk a cat. Stupid selfish woman.
Agree with Bumpkin, so sorry to hear about his wife. I kept Border Collies for years, would love another one but just not possible now. The animal's needs must come first.